IDEAL Society is a collectivity composed of members of all ages hailing from various nationalities, cultures, religions and backgrounds. Uniting this group is a common ideal of fraternity among people. Since 1993 our shared collective life in the beautiful mountains of southeastern British Columbia forms an experimental framework and environment in which to grow in harmony with nature, while contributing to the well-being of the group and larger community in a spirit of sustainable development.
IDEAL's vision inspires us to experiment in the areas of education, wellness, art and agriculture, taking into account the material and spiritual dimensions.
N E W S / E V E N T S
Order books by Natacha Kolesar and download free pdf lectures here
OMRAAM WIKI page with detailed information about the sacred songs of Master Peter Deunov.
Through Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, or for purchase through iTunes and Amazon Music.
IDEAL Projects is our YouTube chain featuring videos of sacred Bulgarian and Russian choral songs mainly by Peter Deunov, performed and recorded in Russia and conducted by Gilles Hainault. Hear more>>
Gospodi! by Peter Deunov
Aoum by Peter Deunov
Paneurhythmy movements 1 to 10 performed by the Vera Women's Choir and Vera String Quartet
PREGNANCY MATTERS by Francois Amigues, Laura Uplinger & Susana Lopes
This free offering from the Prenatal Alliance is a useful resource to help you understand the basics of parenting your baby before birth, pregnancy from the baby's perspective & what is conscious conception, pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. The FREE EBOOK is available here